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Passion Play: Russell Westbrook


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Chronicling the life and career of Russell Westbrook, one of the greatest point guards of all time. Despite his success, he enters the 2021-22 season on his fourth team in three years where he looks to cement his legacy on his own terms.


liz 2022-05-19


子夜弥撒的钟声 2021-11-27

应该如何定义威斯布鲁克这名球员呢?具备极强的冲击力,也有着糟糕的投篮能力;他有狂热的个人英雄主义,胜负一肩挑,同时也很多次因为自己而葬送了比赛;三双为他赢得了声誉,同时也带给他数据刷子的骂名。 威斯布鲁克应该是史上最具争议的球星之一。球迷对他的指责大多来自他的**失误和不合理的出手,以及他对数据的追求。其实纪录片中也提到,威少知道自己失去了控制,但那是赛后再来审视自己时发现的,当球场的**表现、情绪混杂在一起时,他很难让自己保持冷静。而当他拿到赛季35或者36次三双时,每场比赛都会有球迷为他计数,当所有人都在期待他打破记录时,他自己也会刻意去完成它,这是人之常情。 威斯布鲁克显然不可能成为那种完美的球星,但又有几人可以呢?科比说,爱我的人和恨我的人有一样的理由。对于威少,也是如此。

🍄 2022-02-24

i want to better myself. i want to move on. (thats a bit of a stretch, so unlike me. im fighting a losing battle **. (fantasy —— wanna see you work in construction set, out came the sun.. while the powdery dust rose in a cloud around your body. wanna watch the smoke rise from your cigarette... i watch everything, digesting every fragment of you existing, vids. remains, bits, detritus, fragments, rubble, ruins, waste, wreckage. (waste material. me. garbage. me. day dreamer, me. politely or formally, thats how i describe myself. hahahah xsw you are ** crush i had a crush on you n you were to be mobbed by a crush of me n ** alter-egos.

Mr.川 2022-05-31

历史三双王(Mr. Triple Double)+MVP,有血有肉,敢爱敢恨的神龟威少🫡

终须 2022-02-05
