K2 and the Invisible Footmen在线观看

K2 and the Invisible Footmen

  • 上映年代:2015  
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 地区:美国
  • 更新时间:

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Located on the border between Pakistan and China, K2 is the second-highest mountain on Earth. For many climbers, it is an even greater prize than Everest, with limited routes, a steeper ascent, and a harder push to its summit. Nicknamed the 'Savage Mountain,' K2's peak is so much higher than the rest of the surrounding range that it juts unprotected into the atmosphere, regular...


Lu 2020-12-10

看完波兰选手登k2之后看的 so fucked up

睡美 2020-07-04

同意网友,巴基斯坦脚夫真的惨,很难得看到关于他们的素材,女导演。一处不解是rock and ice这个视*里的字幕36‘43’‘剪了一段两位K2上中国登山者向镜头奔跑喊出“我爱你中国”,但被译成了“oh ******* give us *******” ???????https://rockandice****/videos/climbing/k2-and-the-invisible-footmen/

张楠 2022-12-18

never understand those who risk their life for climbing, but respect their courage,

阿甘 2020-10-02
